Saturday, October 15, 2022

Elizabeth's first cross country meet-Carmichael Hill!!


Elizabeth is doing cross country too! You'd just never know it from what's been on the blog. She had her first race just this week. Here is why. 
There were 2 days where we had terrible smoke from wildfires. Luckily, just 2 days of really bad smoke days.  During those days, the cross country teams for both kids had to run inside. They both have very big schools so they ran up and down the halls and up and down the stairs. Well, on the second day of running inside, Elizabeth tripped and fell down the stairs. Her ankle was injured. I took her to urgent care and they confirmed it was not broken. It was just a bad sprain. We got her some crutches and she stayed off it for a week and then it still hurt some for another couple of weeks. During this time, both kids also caught covid and had to stay home from school and were feeling way too poorly to run obviously. Here are the meets Elizabeth missed: 

Meet #1 Big Cross: Missed due to ankle sprain
Meet #2 Big Cross: Missed due to ankle sprain
Meet #3 Libby Middle School: Missed due to covid AND remaining ankle pain
Meet #4 Hermiston: Meet CANCELLED due to lack of a bus driver

So, the race she ran in today was actually meet #5 of 6. She finally got to run. Now, with all the ankle injury and covid, she hasn't really run too much. The meet was at Carmichael Middle School so she got to run her first meet at the big hill. 

Here was the start of the race. 

Off they go! 

Elizabeth is in the black pants. 

Coming into the finish of her very first race!!! Papa Norm and Gram and I were there watching. 

She got 24 out of 32. As you can see, Libby has a very good team. A lot of our girls were right in the very top! 

Next week is her final meet of the year. She ran  22:38 minutes today for the 2 mile race. Her goal next week is to beat that. However, both kids are super sick again this weekend as I write this. Nathan had to miss school yesterday and miss 2 cross country practices. I'm guessing it's not covid again since they just got over that 3 weeks ago. The covid tests are negative. It must just be bad colds this time. Neither kid is expecting to run too well on their final meet next week due to sickness. 

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...