Monday, July 14, 2014

A visit to Royal City

After our trip to the west side, we made a trip up to Royal City for their "Summerfest." 

Some of the best parts about visiting are: 
Kisses from Pippa

Playing with Pippa

Driving with Papa in the little Kubota. 

Nathan likes the "Asparagus Forest." 

He planted this corn last spring!

They like eating all the raspberries Gram is trying to use for jam. Gram is now down a couple of jars because the raspberries are in their tummies. 

Getting the Slip and Slide set up. Our favorite activity as kids was getting a big hay tarp and sliding. It was such great fun! Papa Norm was nice enough to get a big tarp for the kids. Gosh, did they slide!

Nathan wanted his picture with the tall wheat. 

A family photo by the tall wheat. 

Showing Auntie Laura all the ladybug larva. There were a TON! Lucky Papa!

It got later and later and they kept on slip and sliding. 

The neighbors were up in their plane so we called them (luckily their cell was on) and they came and flew low right over the house! The kids thought it was great the pilots were waving at them. 

Slip and sliding under the "Super Moon." 

The grown ups watching the slip and sliding

All the grown ups. 

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...