Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Visit with Papa Norm and Grandma Jane

Elizabeth has decided to become a fan of olives. She was dancing around with olives on each finger. It was so cute! A future Junior Miss talent?

Nathan driving tractor with Papa Norm. Just today, he told me that when he grows up he wants to be a tractor driver and that Papa Norm can teach him everything he needs to know. He says he's going to have 4 Kubotas, 2 John Deeres, and a Case.

Poor Grandma Jane. This is pretty much the scene every time we visit. Elizabeth wears her out. Elizabeth only wants "Gram." "Gram do" is pretty much her favorite thing to say. Elizabeth ignores me when Gram is around.

3 generations of girls.

Elizabeth just being cute.

Elizabeth is a great vet in a diaper. She was giving this little toy dog shots. First, she checked the dog with a stethoscope and pronounced "sick" with a sad shake of her head. Then, she says. "Shot! Better. Happy now."

Eating a snack at the tiny table. That was our table when we were little. It's cute to see them using it too.

Playing the piano. Nathan has really taken an interest in music lately. He loves to listen to classical music. He pretends to play all the parts. He uses an invisible piano, violin, etc. He kept pulling out Christmas song books and pretending to play them. He had a lot of fun with the piano! Elizabeth liked to pound on it too. I'm sure the piano will make a better Junior Miss talent than dancing with olives.

This old cash register is always a hit. Nathan loved it and Elizabeth is getting pretty good at it too.

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...