Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving at Grandma Pam's house!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma Pam's house. Jeremy's days off happened to coincide with Thanksgiving this year so we made a trip to visit.

A family photo. Elizabeth was not doing so well at this point. She did well skipping her nap. But around 5:00 she just broke down. The poor little thing was so tired. Luckily, we'd had dinner and had a good visit. We put her in the car and she was asleep in less than a minute.

Uncle Brian's cat was there. Neither Elizabeth or Nathan has had much to do with cats. Jeremy is allergic and we're not big pet people so they just haven't been around them. Both kids adored that cat. Elizabeth kept hugging it and petting it and said, "Soft. Cute!" We felt sorry for the cat.

The kids love playing with Uncle Brian. Here is Uncle Brian making bridges for Nathan to drive trucks over.

Here is Uncle Brian playing Flying Elizabeth. She had a blast.

Grandma Pam had some anthills that were causing her problems. The boys took care of the problem in true Wakeman fashion.

Here's Nathan hanging out with Uncle Brian and Great Uncle John.

A happier family photo.

Grandma Pam had some great cups with lids. I think the kids drank most of her orange juice.

We were so happy to see Great Grandma Helen.

I love to hold this baby girl in my lap. She doesn't appreciate it as much anymore. It makes me sad.

Elizabeth hugging the cat.

Grandma Pam had the best toy ever. PLAYDOUGH. The kids love playdough. It gave them lots to do while at her house. Nathan made lots of Christmas cookies out of the playdough. They played over at that little table and were quite happy.

Grandma Pam is great at making Nathan safe foods. She made this great cranberry bread. Nathan liked it so much he ate most of the loaf. He grazed on it for a good part of the day and didn't have much room for Thanksgiving dinner. It was that good! Thanks for such yummy bread Grandma!

We waited too long to take some 4 generation pictures. Elizabeth was breaking down and Nathan had just bonked his head. But we tried!

I think Pam's face says it all here.

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...