Armand Middle School came back the very next day to play another game. It was a different group of girls this time. We still lost. 21-8. This was the end of Elizabeth's basketball season and probably career! She had a really fun time learning a new sport and hanging out with her great group of friends. It really was a great group of girls.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Elizabeth basketball game videos from 2/26
Basketball Game #9-Hermiston
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Elizabeth basketball Walla Walla videos
Basketball Game #8-Walla Walla
The team went to Garrison Middle School in Walla Walla. They lost 20-15. Elizabeth scored a basket in this one! I got it on video so I'll post it.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Basketball Game #7-Chief Jo/Carmichael
The next game was a win! 34-23. They played Chief Jo, but the 7th Libby grade team played Carmichael. There were rumors we were actually playing a mix of Chief Jo and Carmichael kids and a mix of 7/8 graders. So no one knew for sure! In this game, Elizabeth did a great job passing the ball and even played point guard a little bit in the second half to just give her something new. I took a few videos that I will post as well. It won't let me post more than one or two videos on a post.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Basketball Game #6 Hermiston
Elizabeth's next game was at Armand Middle School in Hermiston, Oregon. We lost 26-12. Elizabeth had a foul on her! We were very impressed. She had tried to be a little more aggressive about getting the ball.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Elizabeth at 14
Elizabeth is 14! She's 112 pounds and is 5'4 5/8" tall. She grew about an inch and a half over the last year. She is now 1/8 inch taller than her Mom!
She usually goes to sleep around 10:00 and her alarm wakes her at 6:00. I drive her to school around 7:20 and if she rides her bike in warmer weather, she leaves about 7:25.
Her favorite foods are cheese, yellow rice, chicken, shrimp, salmon, and donuts.
She's a 8th grader! She is doing great in middle school still . Her favorite classes are science and orchestra. Her least favorite class is history. We cannot believe she will be in high school next year. We signed her up for her high school classes at the beginning of March. We also toured her new school. She knew just about every kid there of course even though 75% of kids at her middle school will go to the other high school!
She started cross country in the fall. Sadly, the season kind of fell apart due to an ankle sprain while running at her first meet. She did manage to run in 3 meets. She had some issues with shin splints as well. We got her shin splint sleeves which she said did help. She decided this year to try something new. Basketball! She learned something new and got to hang out with her friends. She did enjoy it. She is currently in track and is throwing the discuss and doing some running events.
Her eczema has been much better. She found a cream called CereVe Rough and Bumpy Skin that has really helped. Her eczema is worse in the summer now when she sweats a lot. Her allergies remain the same. Peanuts, sunflower seeds, and some tree nuts.
She still likes reading the Tally Series. She doesn't read as much anymore. She spends so much time doing homework. Her goal is to have over 95% in every class. She's managed to keep this goal all year!
She likes to play War and Monopoly but people don't like to play these games with her (they are so long!) . Her favorite toys are squishmellows and snow. Her favorite color is green. Charlotte is her favorite friend to hang out with.
She loves wearing earrings and doing cute things to her hair.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Elizabeth's 14th Birthday Party
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Elizabeth Solo and Ensemble
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Elizabeth basketball videos from game against Chinook.
Basketball Game #5 Chinook
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Basketball Game #4-McLoughlin
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Covid with Claire
I finally had my first run in with covid in January 2024.
I had a weird sore throat for a few days that Jeremy and Elizabeth also both had. It started January 2nd. We assumed it was a cold as nothing really came of it. Then, at work on Thursday, I started to feel really badly. My head started hurting like crazy and I was freezing and just wanted to lay down. I got home from work and collapsed into bed. I had a fever of 102. A few hours later, I took a covid test and it popped positive very quickly. I knew I wasn't going to work Friday! We then assumed that Jeremy had it too as he had passed it to me. However, his symptom was literally just a sore throat and it never went past that.
We think it's because he had covid one time January of 2022 and I never got it then so he had some immunity. Elizabeth had had covid twice so hers never progressed beyond a sore throat this time either.
I felt just horrible. Fever and cold and then super hot. My head was pounding. Then, it started to go into my chest and I was having a really bad pressure there and a deep cough started. It was a bit scary. Luckily, my doctor was able to see me quickly on a zoom call and I asked if he could prescribe paxvolid and he said sure.
Jeremy went to to the drive through pharmacy to pick it up. I took my first dose and hoped things would get somewhat better. Within 3 hours, all traces of the cough and junk in my lungs was gone. It was absolutely incredible. I was able to sit up and make some grocery lists and play around on the computer a bit. That was absolutely a miracle drug. From then on, it felt like I just had a bad headcold. My nose started running like crazy for a little while but my lungs were fine and my fever went away.
Now, it tasted AWFUL but by day 3, I think I got used to the taste and finished out the 5 days of taking it.
I was very weak for a few days. I tested negative on Sunday night. I didn't go to work Monday either as I still felt so weak. I still tested negative Monday night. I went back to work Tuesday with a mask, but I was very tired. I made jokes for a while that I'd been sick all year. It was more or less true since my first symptom was January 2!
I assume I had the JN.1 strain that was circulating like crazy at the time that people didn't have a lot of immunity too because it was very different then the previous version.
For the next month, my chest did hurt a lot. I think it was costochondritis from the coughing I did (that was only a day though) or from general inflammation from the virus. The doctor wants me to do a stress test just to make sure it's nothing serious.
I also have fluid build up in my ears. As I type this nearly 3 months later, I am still having issues with my ears. The doctor said the inflammation from the virus caused irritation in my ear tubes and they just don't want to settle down. He keeps checking and there is just fluid in there, but he never seems to see infection. I take zyrtec and flonase to try to make it better. I'm having issues with a "whoosh whoosh" sound in my ears that is especially problematic at night time and is making me have problems sleeping because it will either keep me up or wake me up when it's really loud. I'm hoping this eventually goes away. I wonder if they can put tubes in an adult ear. It's not infected though, so that's what's confusing.
End of Year Survey
Nathan: 17 Elizabeth: 14 1. What is your favorite color: N: Hanford Purple E: Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N: Comp...
Does anyone else have a nude waterpark in their backyard? Because I do. The shadows are strategically placed here, but Nathan is totally nak...
Elizabeth has been begging me for bangs for a while. They will take a bit more maintenance, but hopefully her hair is straight enough they ...
I love fresh fruits. There is nothing better then eating fresh, in season fruit. In fact, I love fruit so much, I can often times make mysel...