Saturday, August 30, 2014


Here's my first photo of Nathan in his new glasses. 

We found out he has a type of "lazy" eye. His right eye sees perfectly at 20/20. However, for whatever reason, this eye has decided to take over and do all the work. His left eye has gotten "lazy"  and doesn't do much of the work. 
We are so happy we caught it now in hopes this can be corrected and his left eye can be forced to work harder. He may never be 20/20 in that eye but the doctor told us if not corrected he could eventually lose the vision in that eye. 
At first, he did not want to wear his glasses. However, once he realized how much better he could see, he was amazed and has been wearing them ever since. 
When he first put them on, he looked at a Where's Waldo puzzle and said, "Oh my gosh, I can see all these little things!! I guess they really were blurry and I didn't know!" 

1 comment:

Amy and Bryan said...

Robert has a lazy eye too. We noticed it in pictures. He goes in for a 3rd follow up appointment in October to see if we need to change his prescription.

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...