Monday, May 20, 2013

Hot Water Tubs and Obstacle Courses

We made a visit to Papa Ray and Kim's this weekend! Here are some of the highlights. 

Papa Ray set up an obstacle course with cones that the kids were supposed to drive around. Nathan just mowed them down on purpose and thought it was hilarious. But then, he did drive around and did a great job! 

Elizabeth's turn. 

She hit quite a few more cones by accident. 

Then, the kids got to play in the Hot Water Tub. I'm not sure when Nathan started using this name, but it stuck. 

Elizabeth did GREAT in the water. She played, kicked, blew bubbles. Papa Ray then had her doing bobs and she held her breath underwater for almost 8 seconds! She is ready for swimming lessons. 

Nathan and Uncle Brian had quite a splashing game going on. Uncle Brian was SOAKED! 

The splashing captured in a photo. 

Elizabeth doing bobs! She would even keep her eyes open. 

One thing I did not get a picture of was Nathan going underwear to pick items up off the bottom of the hot tub. Papa Ray dumped in a bunch of golf balls and it was Nathan's job as "Lifeguard" to go down and pick them up. He picked up over 40 golfballs! This is one of the things he has to be comfortable doing to move to the next level in swimming lessons. 

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...