Since we've moved to Pasco, we've been doing a lot of swimming! It seems to be a bigger deal here than in Spokane. (Probably because it's hotter for a longer period of time). Nathan loves being in the water. Mostly he stays on the stairs and on the sides of pools, but he has lots of fun. I need to get him into swimming lessons.
Elizabeth will not get in the water at all. She says it hurts her feet because of her eczema and all the scratching she does. I'm sure this is a big part of why she won't get in. A smaller part might be just that she's 2.
We're hitting splash pads a few times a week as well. Nathan will run around like crazy for over an hour and I'll have to drag him away. Elizabeth wants nothing to do with the splash pads either. Those wouldn't hurt her feet I don't think (especially since she has sandals on).
Summer is so much fun! Lots of sun and water!
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