Her new favorite is: "No!" She says this frequently.
She also says:
Bye Bye
Nanan (Nathan)
Yes (and nods her head)
She also quacks like a duck and moos like a cow.
Other neat tricks include buzzing when you ask her to and sticking our her tongue when you ask her to. She claps and waves and likes to point at things.
She understands pretty much everything. If you tell her we're going to get dressed, she walks to her dresser and tries to open it. She tries to pull her shirt off.
If you tell her we're going outside, she goes and tries to get her coat and tries to put her shoes on. She knows what highchair means and heads there a lot!
If you talk about downstairs, she'll head over to the baby gate and stand there.
If I recite lines from her favorite books, she'll go over to her bookshelf and find the right book. It's really cute! She likes to cuddle up in my lap while I read.
Rolling around with Nathan
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