Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Moments to Remember

I’ve been doing a lot of running lately in preparation for Bloomsday. Every other day, I get on the treadmill in the basement and run for between 30-60 minutes.

Jeremy watches the kids and I am off limits! This is pretty unusual as Elizabeth especially always wants me.

So it’s fun to be running and watching them play by themselves or with their Dad.

I’ll be running alone and all of a sudden I’ll see this tiny little thing toddle around the corner holding some sort of toy. It’s so cute to watch kids when they don’t realize you’re doing it! She’ll pick up a phone and jibber jabber into it. She thinks she’s talking to someone.

Nathan will come driving in on his Powerwheel. Usually, the battery is about dead so he’s moving at snail’s pace. It cracks me up! Elizabeth will be toddling behind him easily keeping up or overtaking him. She wants to be on there so badly!

Nathan likes to pretend he’s snowplowing while riding his Powerwheel.

Or I’ll be running along and see a laundry basket with both kids in it zipping by. They’re laughing. Jeremy has pushed them in it. Elizabeth will be standing like she’s driving a chariot and Nathan will be sitting down laughing.

Sometimes, Nathan will come get on his rocking horse right next to me and pretend to ride while I run. It’s cute too!

These are the things I want to remember!

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End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...