Elizabeth is now 12 months old! One whole year!
This past month, she has had one big focus. WALKING! Her first step was on Dec 30. From then on, it's been walking practice. She takes these cute little delicate steps. (So different from her older brother who wanted to run and lunge!). She's kept her face from getting all beat up by being careful when learning to walk.
She has a new fascination with shoes. She points at shoes and says "shuu." She loves wearing her shoes and taking them on and off. Grandma got her some new sparkly pink shoes for her birthday that she already loves!
We'll still nursing, but just about done. As of today, we're just nursing once during the day and once at night. She's being quite stubborn about not wanting to drink cow's milk! She's never taken a bottle so we were hoping to get her to drink milk right out of a cup. She'll drink water out of the cup, but refuses milk. We've been able to get her to drink a few ounces of milk a day. Hopefully, once we're done nursing, she'll drink more milk!
She's still up once every night. She goes to bed about 8 and wakes about 8:15 every morning. Usually, she wakes up somewhere between 12:30 and 4. She's still pretty good about taking 2 naps a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. We're out and about a lot during the mornings for preschool and errands, so her morning nap gets interfered with quite often.
She self feeds many different foods. She loves cut up fruit like bananas, pears, and peaches. I cut up cheese for her and she loves that. She eats cheerios and puffs. She also likes to eat whatever we're having for dinner. Sometimes, I don't have to blend it up. Sometimes, I do. If we're having steak, she gets baby food from the jar like "spaghetti" or "lasagna."
She's making her first animal sound. She tries to quack like a duck. Our kids and ducks!
Elizabeth loves going to preschool. We go to preschool for Nathan, but I have to bring her along too. She loves how the older girls dote upon her and shower her with attention and affection. She doesn't get this from her older brother who only touches her when he's shoving her down. If I don't keep my eye on her, I find her eating playdough, but mostly she has a lot of fun. Preschool is from 10-12 twice a week. Her morning nap time is usually around 11:30 so she's pretty fussy for almost the last hour.
She's starting to care a great deal when Nathan takes her toys. She'll just break down and put her head on the ground and cry. She hasn't yet learned to grab it back or anything. Poor thing.
We had her party today. I'll put up a bunch of pictures and write about the party soon!