Elizabeth is 11 months!
Here are some updates:
-She loves to look at books. She tries to snuggle the animals in the pictures.
-She tries SO hard to build with Mega Blocks but can't quite do it.
-She talks a lot. We don't know what she's saying, but she jabbers like she's speaking her own language. We do understand hi and bye, but that's it!
-She toddles up to 8 steps. Then, she just gets down and crawls because it's much faster. And boy is she fast at crawling!
-She nurses 6 times a day. She's becoming very restless though and pushes me away a lot. I think we're about done!
-She's trying to help put on her clothes. She'll set her socks on her feet and set her pants on her legs.
-We're still having problems with her eczema. It's quite bad. She scratches her feet until they're bleeding and scabbed. We've taken to taping her socks on. Otherwise, she pulls them off. She scratches her hands until they're raw as well. Any skin she can get to, she itches.
-She's around 17-18 pounds. She'll get weighed at her 1 year checkup, so I'm just estimating!
-She eats a lot of different foods. Her favorite thing is when we blend up our dinner. She loves regular food as opposed to baby food! She's pretty good at self feeding. What a mess!
-She's still getting up once at night. She slept through the night twice so I was hopeful. She's since regressed to getting up once.
-She likes to hide food for later. She's starting to stash food throughout the house. I've found Mum Mums and cheerios. It's really cute to see her rediscover her stashes!
-She likes to climb on everything!
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