A carpenter perhaps?
Or maybe a nurse/paramedic/doctor?
Photographer (specializing in self portraits?)
Drummer for a famous rock band? (Daddy tried...didn't quite make it...maybe Nathan will!)
Dish washer? (Hopefully only as an occupation in high school or college!)
Eccentric individual who never wants to fit in with the crowd? (Apparently reindeer antlers are not acceptable)
If they need to remake "Twilight" in 20 years, Nathan would make a great Edward Cullen
A chef? (This would be AWESOME!)
King of the world? (Hey, it could happen with the way things are going)
Race car driver!
Ahhh.... so cute!!! I think the best thing he will be is loved by his parents no matter what he wants to be..... Merry Christmas!
Oh my goodness! I have to admit, all the pictures are adorable, but the one that really made me laugh was the pyro. HAHA Jess even looked at me funny - it was a true laugh out loud moment. :)
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