Sadly, this secret is not one I would recommend.
Neighborhood fireworks. They scared him to death. Every time a firecracker went off, he would run to me in terror and throw his arms around me. And hold on for a long time! So year, not a nice method, but it worked. The thing is, even though they scared him to death, he didn't want to come inside. It was strange.
Other than that, our 4th of July was pretty uneventful. We took Nathan to the town
4th of July festival during the day. He got to jump in a fun jumpy castle type toy. (With Jeremy as there were a lot of big kids). Jeremy had to leave for work at 5 pm, so Nathan and I stayed home during the evening and watched the neighborhood fireworks. There were a lot! People in our town love lots of fireworks and love to shoot them off all night. I seriously don't know how people can be shooting them off consistently for like 5 hours. That is a LOT of fireworks!!
Jeremy didn't even have too many interesting 4th of July calls this year. Usually, the combination of drunks AND explosives makes things interesting.
Jumping at the 4th of July festival
Hanging out with Dad at home on the 4th with a new football that the National Guard gave him! He's getting pretty good at throwing it too.
Nathan called Grandpa and Grandma to wish them a fun 4th.
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