Saturday, December 20, 2008

Santa and Snow

We've officially given up trying to get Nathan's picture with Santa! Today was our last try. The third time was not the charm. Here was our track record.

Try #1: Nathan would go no where near Santa. He just screamed and screamed.

Try #2: We were on our way back from Spokane. The pizza place by our house had a Santa. Nathan decided to throw a tantrum in the car. He screamed for probably 40 minutes, so we just bypassed Santa and headed home.

Try #3: Just now, the local coffee stand was supposed to have Santa. We dressed Nathan all up, and drove over there, sliding all over the road. No Santa! He cancelled due to weather.

Santa was not in the cards this year. Maybe next year!

So we've been getting quite a lot of snow. It's quite ridiculous! I believe we're up to about 20 inches. Another storm is supposed to bring us much more tomorrow.
I've tried taking Nathan out in it, but even with his snow boots, he keeps falling over and cold snow gets down his boots and in his mittens. He's not been impressed thus far. It doesn't help it's very cold. Today is super sunny and it looks like a perfect winter wonderland outside! Not a cloud in the sky. It's just gorgeous. However, it is currently 6 degrees, so no outside play.

A picture perfect winter day. Hi Lindsay and Brandon's house! We can see you through the leafless tree!

Our snow covered house

Nathan's mittens kept falling off and his little hands got really cold. Not a happy time!

It's hard walking in the snow. It's so uneven and sometimes you fall into snowbanks.

Jeremy snowblowing the 17 inches we got in one night. More is on the way!

1 comment:

Christel said...

Maybe next year will be more conducive to meeting Santa. Eli didn't enjoy the experience all that much either, so don't expect it to really get any better! HAHA

"Hi Brandon and Lindsay's house! Nice to see you again!"

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...