Christmas Day was spend shoveling snow. In the evening, we put Nathan to bed and Jeremy and I headed to Spokane to see Twilight! Laura had the easiest baby sitting job ever as the baby was already in bed. That was the first movie I had seen in the theatre since July of 2007 and the last Harry Potter movie. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and totally uncomfortable but I have this thing that I have to see all the Harry movies in the theatre. Anyway, I went into premature contractions during the movie last time so that was great. Luckily the hospital get them stopped and everything was fine, but my point of this little rant is I hadn't been to the movies in forever!
I REALLY liked Twilight! I thought they did an awesome job with the casting and did a great job inserting the humor into the movie that you see in the book. I can't wait for it to come out on video.
We spent most of the day after Christmas shoveling out. We've got about 50 inches total and that was all up on our roof. We bought a snow rake, so we got the roof shoveled off. It took awhile and we've sure got mounds of snow all around! We're only supposed to get another 7-10 inches tonight. Oh goody.
Nathan trying really hard to open his new Bounce and Spin Zebra
Nathan with some of his new toys
This was the best family photo we could get. Nathan was not cooperating!
Nathan with his Aunt Laura. He had to have Mommy in the photo too. He won't let me leave his side.