Sunday, August 3, 2008

Neighbor Day

We took Nathan to the annual Suncrest "Neighbor Day" celebration today. I forgot to bring the camera so don't have any pictures. Of course, alot of people knew Jeremy although some don't recognize him out of uniform!

There was a big inflatable Fire Truck for kids to jump in. Nathan looked really interested so Jeremy took him in. Nathan was just more interested in trying to play with the big kids! It was cute to watch them bounce around in there though.

Nathan also liked playing on the soft grass. The grass at our house is itchy and pokey, so I never like to set him down in it because he doesn't like it. But the grass at the church was SO soft! He had fun crawling around.

1 comment:

Christel said...

Eli loved the Blue Angels. He has this thing with airplanes though, so that's to be expected. At one point he and I were in the little Ivar's restaurant and heard them overhead, so we ran out and he just about died he was so excited. He pointed up to the sky and yelled "ehhhhhh paaaane!" (Airplane) It's the cutest thing. My guy has a thing with planes (ehhh panes), trucks (frucks - although, they usually come out without the r....), and cars (caaahs). Cute!

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...