Thursday, November 28, 2024



I didn't get many Thanksgiving photos. We drove up to Royal City. Auntie Laura and Grandma Pam came too! Here are these 2 eating chips and ranch dip. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Cross Country Banquet

The kids had their cross country end of the year banquet and awards ceremony. 

Nathan up with the sophomore boys. 

Nathan posed outside under the purple and gold lights

Elizabeth's group of girls. I didn't get a picture when she was standing up front as I only got the video which is below. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Orchestra Concert


Elizabeth had her first high school orchestra concert. It was a combined group of the freshman and sophomore orchestras. She's on the right side kind of in the middle. 

Monday, November 11, 2024


 Jeremy and Nathan went up to Ellensburg for a bonfire. Elizabeth was really sick and I stayed home with her. Jeremy took a few photos. Nathan said he really loved Grandma Pam's new kittens! 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

WSU Orchestra Festival

 Elizabeth's orchestra had an orchestra festival at WSU. It was all day on a Friday. Luckily, it was a half day of school due to conferences so she didn't have to miss much school. Jeremy went along as chaperone. It was a long day as they had to leave at 5 am, but Elizabeth said she really enjoyed it! They put the freshman and sophomore orchestras together. 

Top of the library

Unloading the bus at Kimbrough

You can see Elizabeth in the middle

Warming up in Bryan Hall. 

Jeremy found the marching band display. 

Top of library view

Hanford Orchestras

Hanford Freshman/Sophomore Orchestra

Friday, November 8, 2024

Night Before Cross Country State

None of the boys from the Hanford Cross Country team made it to state this year. It's a TOUGH district. However, the state course is right here in our backyard in Pasco. The night before state competition,  all schools from around the state are allowed to come run/walk the course. Even though our team didn't make it, they went and ran the course anyway! They do this every year. So even though Nathan can't make state, he does get to run the course every year to pretend he's running at state. 

Fun fact! If Nathan had gone to my high school, he would have made it to state this year as an individual! I went and checked all their district times to figure this out. Royal ran the Walla Walla course for districts so I know about what time he could reasonably run there and it would have put him into state no problem! 


End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...