Monday, February 28, 2022
Highest Wind Gust We've Seen Here
Monday, February 21, 2022
Pierced Ears!
Elizabeth had been wanting to get her ears pierced. On President's Day, Jeremy took her to Claire's at the mall and got it done. I have a hard time watching the kids get poked so I made him do it. When they were babies, I had to have him hold down their fat little legs when they got their shots. Even now, I can't watch it as I don't like to watch their pain. Luckily, the ears were pretty quick and she didn't even make a face.
He said they had 2 people do her ears. Each person put the piercing gun to her ears at the same time so she felt it in just one big poke! He took a video, but videos are hard to upload on here.
Due to her eczema and sensitive skin, they used titanium earrings. She will wear them for 3 weeks straight while using special cleaning solution 3 times a day. After that, she can wear different earrings. However, she is not supposed to wear earrings that don't have posts on them for like 6 months.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
A Blast From the Past Survey
Jeremy found a funny "blast from the past" survey to give to the kids. Here are their responses.
1. What is a roladex?
A what? Something...I have no clue
2. What is a rotary phone?
One of the dial phones you spin.
3. What is a walkman?
the little music players
4. What are yellow pages?
Don't know.
5. What is a phone jack?
Is it the little...I don't know.
6. what is a trapper-keeper.
Oh, those are the little flippy binders.
7. What is an atari?
I don't know.
8. What is Tang?
9. What is the Oregon Trail?
Either the game or the trail you walk on from Independence
10. What is a bon bon?
Isn't that some kind of candy or pastry?
11. Who is Teddy Ruxpin?
I don't know.
12. What is Aquanet?
Don't know.
1. What is a roladex?
I don't know.
2. What is a rotary phone?
The little phone with the circle where you have to go to each one.
3. What is a walkman?
It's the little music player.
4. What are the yellow pages?
I feel like it's something to do with a test.
5. What is a phone jack?
It's the little thing you plug a phone into
6. What is a trapper keeper?
It's the binder thing.
7. What is an Atari?
I don't know. Sounds like some kind of clothing.
8. What is Tang?
Isn't it some type of soda.
9. What is the Oregon Trail?
The video game or the actual trail.
10. What is a bon bon.
French treat
11. Who is Teddy Ruxpin?
A singer
12. What is Aquanet?
Something to do with the internet
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Friday, February 11, 2022
Elizabeth is 12!
Elizabeth is 12! She's 85 pounds and is just under 5'0" tall.
She usually goes to sleep around 10:00 and her alarm wakes her at 6:55. She leaves for school at 7:25 and rides her scooter to school with a neighbor girl.
Her favorite foods are ravioli, burritos, cheese, yellow rice, chicken, bacon, pretzels, pork, and donuts.
She's in middle school now! She's a 6th grader! It was a hard adjustment at first. Once she figured out how things were done, she's been doing great. Her favorite class is orchestra. Her least favorite is either P.E or science. School has been normal this year other than wearing masks and she has no issues with wearing a mask.
She says her eczema is doing better than last year. Winter is always the toughest time of year for her eczema and she itches a lot and can be quite miserable. Her allergies remain the same. Peanuts, sunflower seeds, and some tree nuts.
She likes reading the Tally Series, The Tyme Series, and Land of Stories.
She likes to play War and Monopoly but people don't like to play these games with her (they are so long!) . Her favorite toys are squishmellows, legos, and snow. Her favorite color remains teal. Charlotte is still her favorite friend to play with.
End of Year Survey
Nathan: 17 Elizabeth: 14 1. What is your favorite color: N: Hanford Purple E: Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N: Comp...
Does anyone else have a nude waterpark in their backyard? Because I do. The shadows are strategically placed here, but Nathan is totally nak...
Elizabeth has been begging me for bangs for a while. They will take a bit more maintenance, but hopefully her hair is straight enough they ...
I love fresh fruits. There is nothing better then eating fresh, in season fruit. In fact, I love fruit so much, I can often times make mysel...