Saturday, December 31, 2022

End of Year Interview 2022

 Nathan: 15

Elizabeth: 12

1. What is your favorite color:
N: Gray
E: Pastel green
2. What is your favorite toy?
N: Space Legos
E: My squishmellows
3. What is your favorite fruit?
N: Apple
E: Raspberries
4. What is your favorite TV show/movie?
N: The Mandalorian
E:  Don't have one
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?
N: Leftovers
E: Mac and Cheese
6. What are you looking forward to next year?
N: Cross Country
E: Vacation 
7. What is your favorite game?
N: Fallout Shelter or Cells to Singularity
E: Don't have one
8. What is your favorite snack?
N: Apple
E:  Fruit snacks
9. What is your favorite animal?
N: Alligator
E: Blobfish
10. What is your favorite song?
N: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
E:  Sunroof
11. What is your favorite book?
N: Sylo
E: Secrets of the Tally
12. What is your favorite subject at school?
N: Science
E: WA State History
13. What is your favorite sport?
N: Running
E:  Tennis
14. What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
N: Chicken Burgers
E: Honey Nut Cheerios
15. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
N: Run
E: Play in the snow in winter and swim
16. What is your favorite drink?
N: Water
E:  Sprite
17. What is your favorite holiday?
N: 4th of July because of the fireworks
E: Christmas
18. What is your favorite thing to have for dinner?
N: Tuna and Cheese Sandwiches with Tomato Soup
E: Chicken and Yellow Rice and Paella
19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
N: don't know
E: Architect

Friday, December 30, 2022

Ellensburg Christmas

 We went to visit Grandma when the weather got a little better. 

The kids got personalized colored chairs! 

They also tried snowshoeing. 

Extreme selfies when Mom left her phone alone. 

Picture with Grandma

Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Eve-Day after Christmas

 Jeremy had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas. The weather was really bad both days too with freezing rain. The day after Christmas, the grandparents and Laura came down and we opened presents. 

We opened presents Christmas Eve when Jeremy got home from work and I made a nice ham dinner. 

Elizabeth found her old sparkly red dress while cleaning her room. She used to LOVE wearing this dress in preschool. It sure won't fit her now! 

Christmas time the day after Christmas. Pippa came down too! 

Laura bought Elizabeth some really neat nail stuff for Christmas! 

Even Pippa smiled for the picture!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Yakima Christmas

We went to Yakima for a Christmas celebration. 

Elizabeth loved her Squish ornament

Tasty dessert

Daisy and the grandparents!

Elizabeth likes to boop Brady's nose. 


Monday, December 12, 2022

Dec 9 and Dec 12 were 2 hour delays

 Just keeping up with school things. We had 2 hours delays on Dec 9 and Dec 12th due to icy roads and snow. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Dec 5-Snow Day-3 inches of snow

It snowed 3 inches and they decided to cancel school. Our first snow day was Dec 5. The kids had a grand time playing around outside in it. Elizabeth was outside all day with the neighbor kids. As I type this 2 weeks later, the snow is still pretty much all there. We have been in a very deep freeze. The main streets all got plowed and are ok now. However, all the side streets in the neighborhoods are just sheets of ice as that 3 inches of snow just packed down. I'm not sure why they didn't even try to plow anything after a few days and looking at the forecast and realizing this wasn't going anywhere for a while. The forecast says it should finally warm up to freezing the day after Christmas. So that is 3 straight weeks of frozen temps with not much thaw! 


Thursday, November 24, 2022


We drove up to Royal City for Thanksgiving. As you can see, we have a new driver in training!
Nathan got his permit on Nov 1st and started Driving School on November 7th. He gets 30 hours of driving school in 15 sessions. The sessions are 2 hours each. 
Luckily, they are offering the 2 hour classes on zoom! So instead of having to drag him down to the driving school 3 nights a week, dropping him off and then coming back 2 hours later, he just got to go to his room and log in to his computer at his desk! That was very handy and so helpful. He also has to do 6 drives with an instructor (1 hour sessions). As I type this, he's completed 2 drives with the instructor. To finish the class, he has to pass a written test and a drive test. THEN, he also has to pass a written test and a drive test for the DOL. Luckily, we have all the way until August to get this done. 

Elizabeth is not sure about Nathan driving. 

Thanksgiving at Gram's! Jeremy had to work so he was left at home. 

On our drive home, it was foggy the entire way. Nathan got a lesson in driving in the fog! Then, just a little while later, it snowed. And there is still snow on the ground 3 weeks later and our side streets haven't been plowed once. So he's also getting some good lessons in driving on ice! 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Delta Homecoming

Nathan went to Homecoming with his friend Sarah. Look at her adorable dress! We loved it! Nathan likes all black so we made sure to get him a tie that matched her dress well. 



Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Cross Country Awards

Cross Country had an awards ceremony to celebrate their season. Here are the photos of the 9th grade JV boys getting their certificates. Nathan is in the yellow sweatshirt kind of in in the middle. 


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Second Brain Removal

 I had a weird squishy bump on my scalp. We joked and called it my second brain. The doctor said it was a lipoma and it needed to be removed before it got too big. I put it off for a long while because I hate having surgeries and anesthesia. I finally just decided to get it done. 

It was removed and the doctor said it was 3 cm by 2 cm by 1 cm. All in all, about the size of a golf ball. It was in fact a lipoma which is a fatty tumor. There was 13 staples in my head.  I'm typing this 6 weeks later. My head still hurts a little bit but it is much better. The incision area is still bumpy and sore. The weird thing is my head is numb in a certain spot. It's a spot ABOVE the incision so it's strange indeed. The doctor said the numbness will get better but couldn't promise it wouldn't always be there. I didn't know that would be a side effect. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

State Cross Country

Nathan's cross country team made it to state even if he himself didn't make it! We are lucky that state cross country is always in Pasco every year. We don't have far to go to watch. Nathan and I went to watch the team. Jeremy was there too on duty just to check it out. He went back to work after a little while.  It was cold and windy, but we cheered on his teammates! 

The start of the boys 4A race

Cheering on his teammates. 


Friday, November 4, 2022

Wind storm

We had a huge windstorm on Nov 4th. It uprooted trees and tore shingles off everyone's houses. And I really mean everyone. You drove through neighborhoods and nearly every house had something like this or much worse on their roof. 
We were lucky that the shingles just kind of got flipped back. Jeremy came home from work early to fix them and put them back in place. We were expecting rain the next day so it had to get done quickly. 


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Jeremy's 43rd birthday

Jeremy turned 43! He made his own cheesecake since I was at work and the kids didn't want to help. But it was delicious! 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Orchestra Concert

Elizabeth had an orchestra concert. She's in the very back row and is literally the only kid you couldn't see from our view. 

I can't see her in this picture, but I couldn't get a picture with her. She's right in the middle in the very back row. 

After the concert. 


End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...