Thursday, November 26, 2020



We had a weird Thanksgiving this year.  Jeremy had to work Thanksgiving and there was covid. Therefore, the 4 of us just had a small Thanksgiving on Tuesday! The kids had to help cook the meal. I grabbed a few pictures of them making the pie. 

Nathan cutting apples. 

Elizabeth peeling. 

Elizabeth liked doing the crusts. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Christmas Tree Painting

Elizabeth painted another amazing masterpiece! She liked making this lighted Christmas tree. Her favorite part was flicking on the white paint to make the snowflakes. 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Bonfire at Grandma Pam's


The kids and Jeremy went up for a bonfire at Grandma Pam's. They got their first deer!! Elizabeth found this deer skeleton on Pam's property. Uncle Brian thought it would be funny to pose so they took pictures. 


Elizabeth, Grandma Pam and Brian trying to pull branches out of the cove to put in the bonfire. 

Nathan helping with the fire. 

Pulling branches. 

Jeremy tending to the fire. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

New cousin!

The kids finally have a first cousin! Brady was born Oct 13th. Due to dumb Covid, we hadn't met him yet. We decided we just had to meet him so we masked up and the kids spent most of their time outside. 

Uncle Brian got a fire going. 

The kids burned sticks. 

They have a fun bridge to jump on! 

Elizabeth wanted her picture taken overlooking Selah. 

And then over Yakima! 

Elizabeth LOVED Brady. She liked how soft he was and how tiny is hands were. She liked it when he did a big sneeze. 

Nathan said he was unexpectedly surprised that Brady didn't cry as much as he thought he would. He mostly just slept the whole time we were there.  He did like to stare at Nathan though! 

Grandma Pam and all 3 of her grandkids! 


Saturday, November 14, 2020

The New Impressionist

We found a site online where they teach painting!  Elizabeth saw this winter bridge scene and wanted to paint it!  She spent 3 hours following the live video, and then had a finished painting! 

It's really good! She freehanded that bridge so nicely! 


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Jeremy's birthday

Jeremy turned 41!  Elizabeth made a delicious cheesecake from scratch! 


Sunday, November 1, 2020


Even with Covid, we decided to do Halloween.  We haven't done much else! We figured it was all outside and we wore masks and gloves and it would be fine. As I type this 10 days later, no one caught Covid! 

The PTA did a parade that Elizabeth and I went to to grab a bag of candy. One of Elizabeth's comments was "Wow, I haven't been around this big of a group of people in a long time!" True. 

Elizabeth dressed up as corn on the cob. She wore a mask and attached a corn piece of paper to the outside. It actually made the costume look better in my opinion! Nathan just passed out candy. He wore his turkey hat and mask. 

Elizabeth and I headed out at 5:30.  We did 2.5 miles on my google fit! It was a perfect night. No wind and fairly warm too! 

We stayed away from groups and had fun getting candy! 

Here I was trying to get a picture of the "Blue Moon" rising. It never looks as good on camera. 

Elizabeth and Charlotte. Charlotte was Red from "Land of Stories." 

When Jeremy got home from work, he took Elizabeth out for another 3.5 miles! That is 6 miles of trick or treating!! Her legs were sore and she was TIRED.  It took 3.25 hours. She got 306 pieces of candy.  That is 51 pieces of candy per mile. It's 94 pieces of candy per hour. 

Her candy stash. We made her quarantine her candy for 2 days and eat candy we had at home. 


End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...