Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving at Gram's

Jeremy had to work on Thanksgiving and the day after. I took the kids and we drove up to Royal to see the family.

It was a relatively short trip and apparently I didn't do a good job taking pictures. Here's what I did take.
It was a ridiculously windy drive up to the farm. When we got there, it was so cold and windy the kids couldn't play outside. Nathan had wanted so shoot rotten apples, but the weather did not cooperate. 

Elizabeth had to prove she could still fit on the motorcycle I got as a 1st birthday present. Yes, me, not her. 

The drive home was pretty. Rattlesnake was covered in snow.  

We then watched the Cougars lose to the Huskies. Again. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nathan's first orchestra concert

6th grade had a band and orchestra concert. It was our first chance to see Nathan play his cello. Papa Norm, Grandma Jane, and Grandma Pam were all able to make it down as well. 

Here's orchestra setting up. 

The 6th grade band played for about 30 minutes while the orchestra sat and listened. 

The orchestra then had their chance to play! We could clearly hear Nathan's lower sounding cello since there were only 2 cellos and 1 bass. 

Nathan's not a big fan of playing cello. He will probably only play this one year. We certainly enjoyed listening to him though! 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Warm November Day

We had a random warm windy day on the 17th. It got up to 65 so Elizabeth decided it was shorts weather and headed out on a scoot! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New door!

Our hallway is really long and it gets quite dark. Jeremy needed a door for his new workshed. SO, we decided he could take our front door and install it on his workshed. Then, we could get a door with windows so we could have a little light! 

Door removal. 

Cozy nights in recliners and reading Harry Potter. 

The new front door roughed in. Jeremy finished it up nicely the next day! We have a lot more light now! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

New Shoes

The kids really go through shoes quickly. I'm unsure how to make the shoes last longer.

Here's Elizabeth's new purple sparkly shoes. She got them on November 5th. We will see how long they last before they start to look really run down.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Friday, November 1, 2019


The kids had another fun Halloween. Here they are just before trick or treating. Nathan dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite. He got the shirt, the sweat pants and the snow boots!! He got to wear his costume to school today. The school did the jog a thon fundraiser today. He thought he could run 2 miles and instead he ran 5 miles in that 50 minutes!! I guess he can run a steady 10 minute pace. He is going to be SORE tomorrow.  

Elizabeth was a Crazy Cat Lady. I think she got this idea from the 2 crazy cat ladies in our family. I will not mention any names but they have 6 cats they now care for. They are currently trying to make sure that it STAYS only 6 cats. 

Nathan stayed home and passed out candy. I took Elizabeth out and she trick or treated with Charlotte who was also dressed up as a Crazy Cat Lady. A few people made comments about how great they thought their costumes were.  It was a cold night, but luckily no wind so as long as you had the right clothes on, it was pretty good! 

The 2 Crazy Cat Ladies

There was a really pretty sunset tonight so I kept taking pictures. 

This is what her hair looked like under her wig. Maybe next year she can go as Cindy LooHoo! 

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...