Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Hearts Day

The matching fashion continues. Today was a hearts day. She had:
1. A shirt with hearts. 
2. Pants with hearts
3. Socks with hearts
4. Undies with hearts (not shown)

She should have worn this on Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Driving Around

We went to play at Ali's house. Ali took Elizabeth for a spin in her car! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Islands and Rivers

Nathan spent a great deal of time digging up the garden area and turning it into a series of islands with rivers running between them. Every day after school, he would come home and dig. He worked hard with all that digging! He would fill it up with water and play. He made bridges to go from island to island. 

Last week, we finally had to make him fill it in so we could rototill and plant the garden. He sure had a fun time with his project! Maybe next year if digging is still one of his hobbies. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Safety and Allergies

While at the bike safety fair at school, they kids had a funny conversation with a Sgt. with our local police department. We had told them their Dad was a police officer so he said he had a few questions for them that he was SURE cops' kids would know the answers to.

Here was the conversation.

Sgt: "What would you say if someone asked you to get in their car?"
Nathan: "What's the password?"
Sgt: "Excellent! I knew you would know!"

Sgt: "What would you say if someone tried to offer you candy?"
Nathan: "Does that have peanuts in it?"
Elizabeth: "No label, NO thanks."

Sgt: "Um, yes, well that will work very well!"

One plus side to having all kinds of severe food allergies. The kids will never take candy from strangers!! I never realized this!

We have a few mottos in this house that they have to follow.

1. "No label, no thanks." With as many severe allergies as the kids have, if we can't read every ingredient of what's in the food, they know they can't eat it safely.

2. "No Epi, no eat." If there is no Epi-pen or Auvi-Q nearby, they are not allowed to take a bite of anything!

At the Safety fair, there was also a booth about poisons and how medication can look like candy and how cleaning supplies could look like juice. There's something else I never have to worry about. My kids won't eat or drink something unless they've read the label! They can die from a peanut or sunflower seed, but I'm sure they won't die from accidentally eating or drinking medications or cleaning supplies!

Checking out the fire truck

Elizabeth being graded riding in between the lines. 

Nathan being graded on his braking ability. 

Checking off his list of activities. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bubble Duel

They love to have duels with their new bubble guns. It's fun to blow bubbles in each other's face!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Some new food allergies

We've added some new foods to our food allergy repertoire. I sure wish we could take some away, but that  doesn't seem to happen for us.

Nathan's been eating kiwi his whole life! Today, he ate a kiwi and immediately afterward said his mouth and hands itched. Over the course of 5 minutes, he got about 9 nice itchy hives all over his chin. We didn't panic or freak out. Our doctor has said if the only real symptom is hives around the mouth to keep an eye on it. If the symptoms progress or another sympton starts, then epi and call 911. Luckily after about 10 minutes (and wiping his chin) the hives went away. I'd like to think he's only sensitive to the juice but I doubt that's the case. We will be staying away from kiwi with him and when we see the allergy doctor in June for his yearly checkup, we'll look into this!

Elizabeth had her yearly checkup with the allergy doctor last week. Still allergic to peanuts and sunflower seeds. She also seems to have oral allergy syndrome as when she eats cantaloupe and watermelon in late summer/fall, she gets a rash around her mouth.

Also, we've added hazelnuts to her list of allergies. The bloodwork came back high enough to classify it an allergy. Nathan is already super allergic to hazelnuts-no denying it-so staying away from hazelnuts in our family will be no problem!

At the store today, I showed her a jar of Nutella and explained that this stuff wasn't just a chocolate frosting and that it actually contained hazelnuts. Another reason to not eat something she thinks is just chocolate without making sure to check the label. Or if someone ever used this as frosting on a cupcake. Yikes!!

Then, we walked by a big display that was just peanuts and sunflower seeds. Weird! Just her other two serious allergies. She said she was scared so we made a big wide circle around it.

Her class is planting sunflower seeds this week. Looks like she won't be dong that activity. Nathan's class is also planting stuff. I made sure to check the soil they used. No peanut shells in that brand...thank goodness! His class is having cupcakes again for a birthday celebration next week so I need to make sure I send something in that day.  This vigilance is just non-stop! I feel like being an "Allergy Mom" is practically a full time job. So much to watch out for constantly.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gram and Papa Norm's

We visited Royal City over Spring Break. Here are some of the exciting highlights. 
Playing in a pile of compost. They could have done this all day long!

Pippa achieved her ultimate goal. Getting up on a bed! She wasn't allowed to stay there, but she was quite bold. 

Nathan snuggling Pippa. 

Floating sticks down the ditch. Another favorite they could do all day. 

Nathan was unwrapping a cupcake and dropped it. This was the result about 5 seconds later. That dog was quick!

Gram set up a fun egg hunt! 

Digging holes. They could also do this all day long. 

They made beds for the night. (Jeremy says they look more like graves). 

So the highlights of the trip were playing in manure, digging graves, and playing in water. However, they LOVED all these things and were very happy! I guess it doesn't take much with kids. Dirt and water and some imagination.  Driving the little Kubota with Papa Norm was also fun but I didn't get pictures of that. The 7 year old is becoming quite good at driving! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Auntie Laura's new house!!!

We went to visit Auntie Laura over Spring Break. She has a new house! They are working on putting in the fence. 

Auntie Laura in front of her house. 

Coloring at her table. 

Auntie Laura in her kitchen. 

Auntie Laura was so thoughtful and sewed the kids special Easter pillowcases!! 

Dying Easter eggs!

Some of the finished colors. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Grandma Helen

Jeremy's Grandma was so nice to host us for the night when we made our trip over to the Skagit Valley. Thanks for a great place to stay Grandma Helen!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April video


Spragg Family Get Together

We went to the get together that Carolyn put on for the family. 

Archie and Iver have a nice bridge that goes across their creek!

Nathan played in the creek. 

Elizabeth hiking up the path. 

Iver showed Elizabeth how to climb up the hill. 

A snake was found! 

A pretty picture from the bridge. 

Elizabeth and her cousin Silas. 

Elizabeth, Nathan, and Iver having lunch. 

Feeding chickens

A walk across the bridge. 

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...