It was Bloomsday today!
I've always run Bloomsday by myself but convinced Laura to do it with me this year since she's been running more lately. We had a sisters Bloomsday! (Well, until we parted ways at mile 4 as our running styles are just too different. We decided after the race that parting ways actually made us run better).
The weather was perfect for Bloomsday. Clear blue sky. It was cold of course, but not too cold and great for running. No wind!
I usually love Bloomsday as I love racing. Laura still hates Bloomsday, but is glad she ran this year and got her fastest time ever! I also got my fastest time ever. I guess it was a record breaking year.
The shirts are fantastic this year as well! They are a nice navy blue. I'll wear mine a lot.
Jeremy and the kids watched the start of the race on TV. They couldn't find us in the group though. There were 50,000 people.

Here we are exhausted wearing our new shirts. 7.5 miles will really zap the energy out of you!

My bib for this year. Yay for green group! Next year, I'll move up to yellow group!