The kids went on a GREAT Easter egg hunt today put on by a friend. We happen to live in a neighborhood where all houses are on an acre so there was lots of room in her yard for a big hunt. The weather cooperated which was quite shocking actually! The sun was shining and it was about 45 degrees. It was chilly, but with the sun out, it wasn't too bad.
There were about 25 kids and 400 eggs! It was nice because each kid got up to 16 eggs filled with candy. Elizabeth got to be the first kid inside the hunt since she was the littlest. That was nice. I just helped her grab the ones closest to the fence before all the big kids rushed in. She did like that a lot! Nathan went all out running to find his eggs. Here are some photos of the fun event!

Nathan waiting patiently with his empty Easter basket.

Elizabeth waiting (not nearly as patiently)

Listening to the directions and a message about Easter.

Elizabeth grabbing a few eggs.

Nathan checking out the candy in his eggs!

They didn't just find eggs. Elizabeth also got to drive a car.

Nathan got to slide.

A very talented girl made balloon animals. Nathan loved his dog!

The best family photo we could get. Here are some interesting points.
1. Elizabeth is not crying. She was just talking. Loudly.
2. It looks like Nathan has 2 nametags. One says Nathan and the other that says "Thomas" is really just on his coat.
3. In the sun (with no wind), I was actually warm enough to take off my big coat. I didn't need to have my coat on AGAIN for our family photos. Our last 2 family photos were Christmas and the Pumpkin Patch and I had on my big coat in both photos. Ridiculous! However, the wind did pick up a few minutes after the photo and I did have to put it back on. Sad. 7 months of wearing a heavy winter coat.
4. Nathan had grapes for a snack. Elizabeth had a muffin, cupcake and cookie. Well, that's just life for Nathan. He'll never be overweight!