Elizabeth has been doing so many cute things lately. She likes to blow on her food. We always blow on her hot food. So now she thinks she needs to blow on all her food before she eats it.
Whenever she finds something small and silver, she thinks it needs to be plugged into the computer. For example, she tried to plug a small carton of dental floss into the computer this morning. I guess she thought it looked like an Mp3 player.
She's almost 15 months and still so tiny! She's still in 12 month clothes and is almost 20 pounds. It's so cute to see her walk under the table or under the fridge door. Nathan was MUCH bigger at this age, so her smallness is very endearing.
Animal noises are becoming very fun. She's getting good at these sounds: cow, dog, duck, horse. She's trying with the others too. ]

She's so adorable when she chews. Here she is eating bananas.

A new favorite game is playing peekaboo at the back door.


Gosh, it's loud! Nathan has been wearing these ear muffs around a lot when Jeremy's been cutting wood with chainsaws and chipping. Elizabeth wanted to try them on.