The best photo I could get! She just crawls away.

I finally had to take the cushions off the couch and kind of "trap" her to take a picture! She wasn't happy about this!
Elizabeth is 9 months! Here are some milestones:
She's about 17 pounds.
She's eating a lot of different foods. She can self feed puffs and crunchies. I just introduced the meats tonight. She wasn't terribly impressed yet!
She nurses about 7 times a day.
She is still up twice at night...a good day is when I can get both kids down for naps at the same time in the afternoon so I can take a nap to make up for getting up at night!
Generally, she takes a good morning and afternoon nap. During her morning nap, I get some good quality time with Nathan to play with playdough, paint, read, color, etc. He loves this time when he gets full attention!
She's an extremely fast crawler and pulls herself up on everything.
She does a little bit of cruising.
She's beginning to get a little bit interested in books. She's mostly just eaten them, but is finally starting to pay a bit of attention.
She finally loves her jump jump! I'm going to try to put up a video.
She adores Nathan and laughs every time he pays attention to her (which is seldom)
Her favorite game is when we pull off the couch cushions and pillows and let her play there.
She is very attached to Mommy and wants to be near me at all times. It's endearing! She's like a little shadow.