Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween was a lot of fun this year! Thanks to Aunt Laura, we had super costumes! Nathan was a nurse. That is what he told us he wanted to be. Elizabeth didn't have a choice. We wanted her to be a cute pumpkin!

A cute nurse.

The best picture I could get of our tired little pumpkin

Nathan was a big helper with the candy.

Family photo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Elizabeth's many talents

Elizabeth is showing many talents!



Pumpkin carving

Eating the stuff from inside the pumpkins

Going on walks with Mom

Unloading the dishwasher

Unloading drawers

Papa's Birthday

Papa Norm had his birthday at our house this year. Here's Nathan helping him blow out the candle. It's a "3." We didn't have a 6, but at least we had the 3!

Painting the Deck

Jeremy has spent the summer painting our deck. Nathan has been a big helper.
One day, Nathan painted a whole stool by himself! He concentrated so hard and made it look really nice.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nathan's Food Allergy Testing

We took Nathan in for his yearly test to see if his food allergies have improved.

Nope, they have not. He's still highly allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. The doctor said that if kids are going to outgrow food allergies, they will begin to outgrow them by 3. However, Nathan's are so severe, it's not looking good.
I'm going to be getting him a medical alert bracelet. He's also become very good at making sure to remind us we have his Epi-pen when we leave the house!!

In other Nathan related news, he started preschool a few weeks ago. Jeremy's days off just happen to be the days of preschool, so Jeremy is taking him. Preschool is right when Elizabeth goes down for her morning nap, so I could definitely not bring her to preschool! She would be so fussy, poor thing.

We also can't leave Nathan alone at preschool due to the fact that the snacks are always things like gogurts, string cheese, puddings, etc. And since he doesn't quite understand the contamination issue yet, I don't dare leave him alone. He's just too young to understand that those foods could kill him. Luckily, it is a Co-op preschool so a lot of parents stay with the children anyway, so we don't look too overprotective!

Preschool is a little long for Nathan. It's 2 hours. After about 1 1/2 hours, he just wants to come home. The other downside is that since he started 2 weeks ago, he has been sick non-stop. A cold..which morphed into diarrhea, and just this morning he threw up.

Poor little guy was so sick, he slept until almost 9:45 this morning. Now, he's drinking a lot of fluids, eating a few rice chex, and watching some Sesame Street. Elizabeth is down for her nap. Perhaps he'll be up for a little outside play in a little while if he's feeling better.

Eating chips and salsa. This is a good Nathan safe snack.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Elizabeth is 8 months old

This is the best picture I could get.

Most of them looked like this...

Or this. My little crawler!

Wow, has Elizabeth made a lot of progress this past month! It's been incredible! Let me make a list of all the things she's done in the last 4 weeks.

-Pushing up to sit on her own
-Self feeding puffs and Mum Mums
-Pulling herself to stand
-a lot of new babbling like "Dadada" and "Bababa." We really think she means "Dada" when she says it to Jeremy a lot.
-has 2 teeth and a top one coming through

She loves to crawl around the house exploring. She tries to play with Nathan although he doesn't appreciate it. She loves to crawl across the yard as fast as she can. She's interested in more and more toys. She will get in the jump-jump, but isn't too interested in jumping.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Nathan's Reasoning Skills

We were outside playing with a large red ball today. Nathan and I were taking turns throwing it up into a tree.

It got stuck. It was too high for me to shake a branch, so I asked Nathan what we should do. Here are all the ideas he came up with (in order)

1. Get a monkey to climb up there.
2. Get a crane
3. Get some birds to use their beaks to peck it out
4. Call Mr. Fixit
5. Get Daddy. He's tall.

(Daddy did come home during his lunch break and get it down for us).

Nathan said, "You're a nice Daddy."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Elizabeth crawling

Pumpkin carving

Jeremy carved Nathan's pumpkin today. He'll do one for Elizabeth later! Probably a much smaller one.

Nathan liked watching. Elizabeth just wanted to get into the seeds and other stuff.

Elizabeth is standing up!

Less than a week after Elizabeth started crawling, she began pulling herself to stand! I couldn't believe it happened so quickly. I didn't even have time to write the blog about crawling.

Jeremy went in to her room one day after her nap, and she was standing in her crib. Now, she enjoys standing at the bathtub watching Nathan, pulling herself up to the dishwasher, and pulling herself up on the side of Nathan's bed. It is quite cute!

Watching Nathan in the tub (she already had her bath, but can't handle the big tub quite yet)

Unloading the dishwasher

I'm done with this nap! Let me out!

Elizabeth is crawling!

Elizabeth started crawling a little over a week ago! It's SO darling. She likes to follow me around the house of course. And she'll kind of go "mamamama." She also likes to get into Nathan's toys. He is NOT a fan.

Here she is crawling across the lawn! It's funny. The grass doesn't bother her at all. Nathan hated the grass at this age. If you'd try to sit him on it, he'd hold up his feet.

She loves crawling across the grass because it's such a large space!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Nathan and Elizabeth love to play with Dada! Here are some pictures.

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...