We took Nathan in for his yearly test to see if his food allergies have improved.
Nope, they have not. He's still highly allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. The doctor said that if kids are going to outgrow food allergies, they will begin to outgrow them by 3. However, Nathan's are so severe, it's not looking good.
I'm going to be getting him a medical alert bracelet. He's also become very good at making sure to remind us we have his Epi-pen when we leave the house!!
In other Nathan related news, he started preschool a few weeks ago. Jeremy's days off just happen to be the days of preschool, so Jeremy is taking him. Preschool is right when Elizabeth goes down for her morning nap, so I could definitely not bring her to preschool! She would be so fussy, poor thing.
We also can't leave Nathan alone at preschool due to the fact that the snacks are always things like gogurts, string cheese, puddings, etc. And since he doesn't quite understand the contamination issue yet, I don't dare leave him alone. He's just too young to understand that those foods could kill him. Luckily, it is a Co-op preschool so a lot of parents stay with the children anyway, so we don't look too overprotective!
Preschool is a little long for Nathan. It's 2 hours. After about 1 1/2 hours, he just wants to come home. The other downside is that since he started 2 weeks ago, he has been sick non-stop. A cold..which morphed into diarrhea, and just this morning he threw up.
Poor little guy was so sick, he slept until almost 9:45 this morning. Now, he's drinking a lot of fluids, eating a few rice chex, and watching some Sesame Street. Elizabeth is down for her nap. Perhaps he'll be up for a little outside play in a little while if he's feeling better.

Eating chips and salsa. This is a good Nathan safe snack.