Elizabeth Helen Wakeman was born on February 11 at Holy Family Hospital in Spokane. She was 8 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She was almost the exact same size as Nathan. He was only an ounce more but all other measurements were the same. We have very long babies!
I woke up on the 11th just feeling bad. I was throwing up and having such tightness and quite a few contractions. The whole family headed into the doctor and he informed me I was at about 5 cm so it was time to check me into the hospital. We called the Grandparents and they were on their way up to pick up Nathan!
Dr. Brasch broke my water at 12:30. Contractions wouldn't start so at 3:30 they gave me pitocin. By 4:00, the contractions hurt too much so I asked for an epidural. It sure was nice to have that pain just fade away to nothing!
6 1/2 hours later Elizabeth was born. She was born at 7:01 pm. Much faster than the 18 1/2 with Nathan. This time, all went well and she's very healthy!
Elizabeth is now 2 weeks old. The past few weeks have been spent nursing, changing diapers, and cleaning up curdled milk spit up! Oh, and trying to get some sleep. Elizabeth likes to sleep the day away and party at night. At her 2 week appointment yesterday, all was well. She's back up to birth weight and everything else looks good too.
At this point, she looks EXACTLY like Nathan did at that age! It's uncanny!
Playing with Grandma
Nathan with the nursing pillow...he's trying to help...don't think it will work!
Uncle Brian came to visit!
Sitting and sleeping. Sleeping all day is a big hobby. Waking many times a night and not sleeping much at night is another hobby!
Relaxing in the bouncer.
Valentine's Day with a brand new baby!
Nathan deciding what to do with this new baby!
Elizabeth and Daddy
The hospital picture. Nathan was at home with Grandma and Grandpa!