I haven't done a blog update here in a while!
Recent updates around here haven't been that interesting. Jeremy went back on a night shift a few weeks ago, so Nathan and I have been adjusting to that. Jeremy has been working a lot of hours! Nathan struggles with wanting to eat dinner without Jeremy. I've been struggling to get him in and out of the tub with this big tummy!
Nathan and I continue to attent Co-Op preschool twice a week. Nathan is also in Speech Therapy on Fridays at the elementary school. He qualified for the 0-3 program which is a grant given to the school for kids under school to have services! So that has been good and he has a lot of fun at speech.
I've been going to the doctor a lot lately. 3 weeks to go until the due date! I'm at 37 weeks now. Nathan made his arrival at 38 weeks (and was still 8 lbs, 5 oz), so I can hope for a repeat! I'm pretty darn uncomfortable and taking it day by day!
Just tonight, we decided it was time to get the car-seat, swing, and bassinet ready to go. I got a suitcase packed with the essentials for the hospital. We'll have to throw in a few things as we leave, but hopefully won't forget much!
The weather this January has been CRAZY! No snow and warm. It's been feeling like March. We cannot complain. It's been wonderful! I can't remember a better January. The previous winters have been record breaking for snow, so we will enjoy this one while we can. February might come in with a bang!

Outside on a 50 degree January day!

37 weeks and ready for the baby!

Packed baby clothes! I packed a newborn sized outfit and a 0-3 month outfit plus cute bows and socks. I didn't know what outfit to bring since newborn outfits only go up to 8 pounds and Nathan was over 8 pounds. I've heard second babies are usually bigger. Also, I packed a heavy snowsuit since it might be pretty cold out!

Nathan loves to help cook! Here he is making burritos with Dad. (Mostly just eating the tomatoes and onions...he likes raw onions)

Sometimes it's fun to sleep under your pillow.