Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Elizabeth playing with Uncle Rick

Nathan and Papa Norm relaxing in all the wrapping paper

Unwrapping presents

Not happy in that Santa suit

Jeremy was on duty but spent most of the day at home waiting for calls

Nathan LOVED playing with Uncle Rick and Aunt LeAnne

A rare happy Santa photo

Family Photo

Family photo with my family

Jeremy worked Christmas Eve and Christmas, but we still managed to celebrate! My parents, Laura, LeAnne, and Rick came up for a quick Christmas Eve dinner and presents opening.

Here are some pictures. Elizabeth was NOT happy in her Santa suit, tights, and shoes. She wouldn't keep the hat on and we eventually just took off her whole outfit and let her crawl around in her diaper. That made her happy!

Both Elizabeth and Nathan were blessed with copious amounts of toys. Such fun for them! I remember Elizabeth opening her first Christmas present. It was a baby doll from Papa Ray and Kim. She got this BIG smile on her face and wanted that dolly! She caught on quickly to the "presents" thing and enjoyed her new toys.

Nathan was also extremely excited and kept saying "Thank you SO much!" and "I can't believe it!"

A few days after Christmas when Jeremy got off work, we set off on a trip to visit all the grandparents!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fun days for Nathan!

It's fun being a 3 year old boy!

Here are all the fun things Nathan has done today and it's only lunch!

1. Painted
2. Helped Mom wrap Christmas presents. He chose which presents to wrap, which paper to use, and then placed the presents under the tree.
3. Played outside in the snow with Dad. They made snowmen!
4. Had a yummy lunch- with pie for dessert.

Here's Nathan in his snowpants and coat ready to go play outside in the snow!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Playtime with Elizabeth!

Here are some picture of Elizabeth engaged in her favorite activities!

Snuggling with Mom

Taking ornaments off the tree

Eating Mum Mums

Knocking over blocks

Pushing laundry baskets around and playing with Papa Ray. Papa Ray and Kim came to visit and we had fun playing!

Reading books

Unloading groceries

Elizabeth is 10 months

Elizabeth is 10 months! Here are some of her updates.

-She's still crawling all over.
-Cruising around is also a hobby. One handed sometimes!
-She now randomly stands up in the middle of the room. She'll put her hands up if you say "So big!"
-She'll also snuggle her head against you if you say "Snuggles?"
-She has 2 words. "Dada" and "Hi." We're pretty sure she means them!
-Her favorite hobbies are trying to do everything Nathan does, play on the couch without cushions, and climb all over Mommy. She's in that climbing stage!
-She still nurses 7 times a day.
-Still gets up twice very night. Some days, she only takes 1 nap now...
-She's eating some real foods now. Bananas and crackers mostly. I'm so nervous to give her anything else due to choking! She has 4 teeth.
-She likes to give you you things and play little games with giving things back and forth
-She's trying to stack blocks! It's so cute.
-She loves it when Daddy pushes her around on the 4-Wheeler. She thinks she's big stuff!
-She also likes to push the 4 wheeler and laundry basket around. It's like they're walkers!
-She loves playing peekaboo! She does it with the curtains and blankets.
-She listens better to books now, but still prefers eating them.
-She likes unloading things. Laundry baskets, drawers, toys...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where is Elizabeth?

I thought this was a funny picture. When I took it, Elizabeth was sitting right in the middle of the room. When I went to look at the picture, I didn't even see her. She crawls THAT fast. (If you can't see her, she's crouched over by her play kitchen).


Decorating the Tree

We got the Christmas decorations out today. Jeremy had to shovel through a few feet of snow to get them out of the shop! We're up to over 2 feet of snow now. Looks like it's going to be a LONG winter. Soon, he might have to start shoveling off the lean- to and roof.

Here are some photos of Nathan decorating the tree. He LOVED it and said he was "So excited!"

Admiring his work

Working together?

Elizabeth eating the bells

The finished tree. Nathan did a lot of it!


Everybody eating

Cute picture of Nathan and Aunt Laura

The best family photo we could get!

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. This is pretty common as Jeremy usually has to work Thanksgiving. This year, he didn't have to work Thanksgiving day, but did have to be to work the day after Thanksgiving at 7 am. That means we can't travel very far!

We had planned to make a quick trip down to Royal City. However, the weather got really bad.

Mom and Dad came up in their truck and picked up Laura at her house, so we had Thanksgiving here. The turkey and potatoes were great! So were the pies! Nathan ate SO much pie. Apple and berry. No pumpkin pie in this house anymore, but that's ok. Fruit pie is very tasty!

I always make sure that all Thanksgiving food is Nathan safe. It makes the holidays so much more fun knowing that he can eat everything and we don't have to worry! This is one good thing about always having holidays at our house. Poor little guy doesn't feel left out.

Nathan's Creativity

Making paper collages. He's getting really good at cutting!

Block tower

Nathan has really been having fun doing creative projects! His favorite things to do include:

Making collages with paper
Building with blocks

He does most of these things pretty much every day! It is how the day is spent.
Here are some cute pictures.

*Jeremy had his desk from when he was a little boy. He got it all cleaned up and put it into Nathan's room. Nathan LOVES having his own desk.

Fall Videos


Monday, November 22, 2010

First Snow

Nathan cleaning snow off the truck

Mom, I can't move!

Elizabeth watching the action

Well, we had our first snow last night. I'm estimating about 2 inches. Who knows how much more is to come!

Nathan is going to be a big helper this year. This morning, we went and shoveled out the cars. He used his little broom to help quite a lot actually!!

He wanted to make a snowman, but the snow just wasn't quite right.

I love bundling up Elizabeth in her pink winter gear. It's so CUTE!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Elizabeth jumping

Elizabeth is 9 months old

The best photo I could get! She just crawls away.

I finally had to take the cushions off the couch and kind of "trap" her to take a picture! She wasn't happy about this!

Elizabeth is 9 months! Here are some milestones:

She's about 17 pounds.

She's eating a lot of different foods. She can self feed puffs and crunchies. I just introduced the meats tonight. She wasn't terribly impressed yet!

She nurses about 7 times a day.

She is still up twice at night...a good day is when I can get both kids down for naps at the same time in the afternoon so I can take a nap to make up for getting up at night!

Generally, she takes a good morning and afternoon nap. During her morning nap, I get some good quality time with Nathan to play with playdough, paint, read, color, etc. He loves this time when he gets full attention!

She's an extremely fast crawler and pulls herself up on everything.

She does a little bit of cruising.

She's beginning to get a little bit interested in books. She's mostly just eaten them, but is finally starting to pay a bit of attention.

She finally loves her jump jump! I'm going to try to put up a video.

She adores Nathan and laughs every time he pays attention to her (which is seldom)
Her favorite game is when we pull off the couch cushions and pillows and let her play there.

She is very attached to Mommy and wants to be near me at all times. It's endearing! She's like a little shadow.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Nathan is still not a big fan of Elizabeth. Mostly he just ignores her and spends his time making sure he takes his toys far away from where she is.

However, the last few nights, he has consented to take a bath with her. It usually lasts only a few minutes before he wants her out and starts pushing her around. But here's a picture!

Jeremy's 31st birthday

Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing out the candles

Papa Ray playtime

Jeremy is now 31!

Papa Ray came over to visit. We had the "Joey Special" for dinner. 2 pizzas. We went and bought a cheesecake since Jeremy loves cheesecake. We also made a regular cake that Nathan can eat too.

We even had "1" and "3" candles from Nathan's previous birthdays so it worked out quite well!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween was a lot of fun this year! Thanks to Aunt Laura, we had super costumes! Nathan was a nurse. That is what he told us he wanted to be. Elizabeth didn't have a choice. We wanted her to be a cute pumpkin!

A cute nurse.

The best picture I could get of our tired little pumpkin

Nathan was a big helper with the candy.

Family photo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Elizabeth's many talents

Elizabeth is showing many talents!



Pumpkin carving

Eating the stuff from inside the pumpkins

Going on walks with Mom

Unloading the dishwasher

Unloading drawers

End of Year Survey

  Nathan:  17 Elizabeth:  14 1. What is your favorite color: N:  Hanford Purple E:  Green, pink, blue 2. What is your favorite toy? N:  Comp...