Nathan was a king this year for Halloween. My Mom made a nice cape for him, my sister Laura made a crown, and Jeremy made a scepter to carry around. He looked SO adorable.
At first, Nathan would not wear his costume AT ALL. He would fuss and cry. Then, when we explained to him that he got CANDY when he put on the costume, he was all for it. In fact, he started trying to go get his costume and kept saying "candy."
The night of Halloween I explained that people will ring the doorbell in their costumes, say trick r treat, and then we would give them candy. Nathan got very excited about this. He walked around the house saying "Ding, Treat, Candy!"
He was a big help when we poured the candy into bags. Then, he sat by the front door with the bowl of candy waiting for people. He was pretty excited when the door went "ding" the first time.
Jeremy had to work late, but when he got home, we told Nathan it was his turn to go out trick r treating. He put on his king costume and grabbed his pumpkin to carry his candy in. Then, we headed out to do some trick r treating. We don't live in a great neighborhood for walking with a little one. The houses are spread out very far apart, so we drove to places. Nathan wouldn't say anything at the houses though, but he DID appreciate the candy. It was nice that most houses had some kind of fruity candy option since Nathan can't have any of the chocolate variety. He was VERY excited about his candy when we got home. He had about 4 pieces of candy. Skittles, smarties, a chewy fruit thing, and some Starburst. That was enough for tonight!
It was a very fun day for Nathan. Grandma and Grandpa were here. Aunt Laura was here. People came to ring the doorbell and he got to give them candy. AND he got to go out trick r treating in his king costume.