August 15, 2007-Nathan is here! 8 lbs, 5 oz, 21 inches long. It was the beginning of a rough 6 months trying to figure out why he didn't gain weight and cried constantly. Turns out it was severe allergies! He got a little (ok, a lot) beat up coming out after he got stuck and had to be pulled out with forceps.

August 15, 2009-Nathan is 2! He's happy and healthy and we've got everything figured out. He's looking much better than 2 years ago! Not to mention he looks a lot like Daddy (except for this blond hair...we still haven't figured that one out!)
Nathan is 2 years old today! It's hard to believe he got so big so fast. We bought him a little kitchen for his birthday. Jeremy got it put all together last night so it was set up in the living room when Nathan got up this morning. He loves it! We've been pretend playing all day with it. I'll have to do a blog later about it. Here are some fun things Nathan does at 2 years old.
-follows Daddy everywhere
-likes to pretend play with his stuffed animals...feeding them, etc
-likes to look at books that have foods in them and then has his animals eat the foods out of the book. He pretends to eat the foods too.
-likes to pretend play with Mom and Dad. He likes to put us down for naps
-he likes to play outside and water plants
-he's good at eating a lot of different foods. He pretty much eats anything except whole pieces of meat.
-he's good with a fork and decent with a spoon
-he still only has about 10-15 words total. There is no talking going on here!! Definitely no two word phrases.
-he can point out anything you ask for in any book or magazine
-points at everything and uses grunting for communication
-finally getting to the point of liking Storytime at the library. He'll actually listen to some of the story before wanting to run around
-climbs on everything
-never stops moving...EVER! This child has so much energy it is ridiculous. He won't sit still to do anything. He won't even watch any TV for more than 2 minutes. He has to be moving constantly.
-he's good at jumping!
-he likes to dance to music in the car and do thumbs up.
-he likes to listen to people talk to him on the phone. He won't talk back, but he loves to listen
-his favorite word is "Laura." It's the only word he knows that is difficult or out of the ordinary.
-he likes to feed the neighbor horses carrots
-he likes to eat blueberries, tomatoes, and boysenberries off the plants...it's so cute!
-he likes to take walks around the block with Daddy
We know that when February comes around, he's going to make a great big brother!!